Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) considers interacting physical, biological, economic, and social processes within an ecosystem and aims to manage an integrated system that optimizes sustainable yields. EBFM is a more holistic management approach than single species management and may be particularly important in the face of climate change. Some progress towards EBFM has been driven by government mandates and stakeholder initiatives. Successful applications of EBFM are data-driven and result from iterative communication with stakeholders and managers. Movement towards EBFM can necessitate the inclusion of data and stakeholder groups not traditionally included in the management process. This creates challenges and opportunities for cooperative management. The purpose of this symposium is to highlight work being done in the field of EBFM and to identify common threads in successful co-production of sustainable solutions. We invite talks on any facet of EBFM research or its application in management.
Organizer: Lauran Brewster, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth SMAST, [email protected]
Co-organizers: Maxwell Grezlik, Howard Townsend
Supported by: American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists