Many governments and organizations are encouraging the use of citizen science projects in fisheries. This session will help participants determine if and how to create a citizen science project with the potential to contribute to resource management. Questions that will be explored in this session include, is this project right for citizen science, what are the data gaps this project will be filling, what is the right tool for data collection, and what components are important for a citizen science project to succeed. This session will focus on project design and management, but also cover aspects of volunteer engagement. Project design aspects will include balancing data robustness with the interests of volunteers and building a project that will attract and retain those volunteers. Session participants will get a resource list based on the session and learn how to build and maintain a project that is appropriate for citizen science.
Organizer: Julie DeFilippi Simpson, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, [email protected]
Co-organizers: Julia Byrd, Laura Oremland