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Proactive Programs to Protect Aquatic Habitat

Proactive Programs to Protect Aquatic Habitat

Government agencies are often perceived to be reactionary rather than proactive. Limitations in staffing, large workloads, and incredible responsibilities largely limit the ability to successfully manage or develop new programs for conservation. However, some programs throughout the US and North America are designed to prevent problems from happening in the first place. Whether these programs are designed as law, general guidance, or educational, they can provide a large benefit to aquatic organisms through ensuring the habitat they reside in is conserved for many decades to come. As population rises, causing changes to the landscape and both direct and indirect consequences on aquatic habitat, conservation programs will likely play a crucial role in making sure fisheries are able to continue to thrive in their various regions.  This symposium will highlight several programs that have helped conserve aquatic habitat throughout the US and highlight the success and needed improvements of those programs.

Organizer: Dana Castle, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Habitat Management Unit, [email protected]

Supported by: Michigan DNR, Michigan Chapter of AFS

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