Conservation Genomics is a burgeoning field due to the rapid evolution and recent advancements of ‘omics’ technologies. The use of high-throughput and long-read sequencing methods is changing both what we can ask and how we ask it. This symposium highlights the cutting edge of genomics research in fisheries and aquatic sciences by profiling the current research of graduate students and early career professionals. These researchers, who represent the next generation of evolutionary and conservation scientists, are often using the latest in genomic sequencing and analytic methodologies to answer important questions about the conservation of marine and aquatic ecosystems in the face of global change, while also leading the field in new directions.
Organizer: Mary Peacock, University of Nevada Reno, [email protected]
Co-organizers: Jared Homola, Samantha Straus, Alana Luzzio
Supported by: AFS Genetics Section