Presentations in this symposium highlight ways fisheries commissions, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and their partners are working together on fisheries priorities in the Great Lakes and on U.S. Coasts, foster inter-regional learning, and explore whether inter-regional approaches to common challenges are feasible. Regionally based fisheries commissions play a unique role in supporting species management across jurisdictions, coordinating data collection, science, and management. The USGS and other partners deliver science and tools for addressing the most vexing questions facing aquatic resources. As the Department of Interior science bureau, the USGS plays an important role within the partnership in that it exercises no management authority. These partners rely on each other for producing the best available science. Presentations here highlight fisheries commission-USGS collaborations, including those with additional partners, and can focus on any number of fisheries science topics.
Organizer: Joshua Miller, US Geological Survey, [email protected]
Co-organizer: Rachel Reagan
Supported by: U.S. Geological Survey and the Great Lakes, Atlantic States, Gulf States, and Pacific States fisheries commissions