Understanding the life processes of aquatic organisms and their responses to changes in their environment presents numerous challenges to fisheries science and the management of fish populations. Advances in quantitative methods are needed to transmute information from data into knowledge and infer the biological, ecological, environmental, and anthropogenic processes that generate observed data, while accurately characterizing uncertainty. Innovations in quantitative methods improve the return on investments in technology and data, expand insight into critical ecological processes and help quantify what we do not know. This symposium will highlight recent developments in quantitative methods that help advance the field of fisheries by providing novel solutions to complex and challenging problems. We will focus on research in mathematics, statistics, probability, artificial intelligence, and computation with applications to fisheries science and management, and with emphasis on novel and creative development of quantitative methods to help solve challenging problems.
Organizer: James Faulkner, NOAA Fisheries, [email protected]
Co-organizers: Dalton Hance, Adam Pope
Supported by: NOAA Fisheries, USGS, Bonneville Power Administration