Session proposal submission is now closed.

  1. Session Type
  2. Session Title – title is limited to 12 words or 80 characters.
  3. Short Session Title – under 30 characters including spaces. The short title will be used for marketing materials, including printed materials at the conference. The full session title will appear on the digital schedule, website, and mobile app
  4. A brief description of the session – this will be used to advertise your session (50 words)
  5. Detailed description of the session – include speakers and topics that you are recruiting to participate in the session. This information will be used to evaluate your proposal (1,000 word limit).
  6. Keywords (between 1 and 3)
  7. Supported by (not required)– institutions/groups that are financially or otherwise supporting the proposed session.
  8. Room sets and AV needs: Rooms will have theater seating, a laptop, projector, and screen; if a different room set or AV hardware is needed please request it here.
  9. Intended length (half-day, full day, etc.).
  10. If the session will include a panel discussion.
  11. Organizer(s) – names and complete contact information.